Our content marketing and SEO services focus on creating and optimizing content that engages your audience and boosts your online visibility.
our sErvicEs
contEnt markEting & sEo
wE spEcialize in:

Content Strategy Development: Crafting a comprehensive content plan that aligns with your brand voice and marketing objectives.
SEO Optimization: Implementing on-page and off-page SEO techniques to improve your search engine rankings and drive organic traffic.
Blog Writing & Management: Producing high-quality, relevant blog posts that engage readers and position your brand as an industry authority.
Social Media Content: Developing and managing content for various social media platforms to increase engagement and expand your reach.
Email Marketing Campaigns: Creating targeted email campaigns that nurture leads and drive conversions.
The cornerstone to successful growth and scalability is Search Engine Optimization. Navigating the ever-changing landscape of search engines to ensure our clients’ high placement for valuable search terms is our north star. Using a combination of on and off-site techniques, our clients see an increase in the value of their web properties, as well as an inux of new organic leads.
casE study: suzannE wallach
In 2017, Ms. Wallach, an independent clinician, working out of Beverly Hills came to Palms Boulevard to build a website for her new psychotherapy practice. Shortly after launch she wanted to leverage ongoing Search Engine Optimization to generate new patients for her practice. [Website Pic]
We designed and executed an SEO plan that would help her rank high on target keywords. She saw an uptick in website visits and client appointments.
The scope of her work was initially four pieces of content a month. She started with the basic SEO plan. After 9 months, she chose to increase because our efforts were materializing in more clients.
In 2022, Ms. Wallach quadrupled her SEO retainer and opened a second location for her practice.

“palms boulEvard’s wEbsitE rEdEsign for my company lEd to a thrEE-fold incrEasE in our wEb traffic. thEy took thE timE to undErstand our spEcific nEEds and dElivered an excEllEnt product.”